Tuesday 22 March 2011

Cheers to the freakin' weekend (3 more days to go:))

Hola, Bon Día

It has been a while since my last post. I have to apologise for not updating any photos of Barcelona at all (Shame on me). The last couple of weeks have gone by in no time, I cannot believe it that I am living in Barcelona for almost two months now. I am having such a great time!
Last post I told you about me going home for Carnaval to see my baby brother being prince of carnaval. It was fucking amazing!!! I never ever ever saw anyone enjoying Carnaval as much as he did. He was glowing and enjoying every single second of it. It felt so good that I was also part of it IRL and not just by seeing the photos. I have to thank my mummy(second one;p) for flying me over:)). As much fun as I had during Carnaval I also enjoying being home, with my mum, dad and my little (not so little anymore I am afraid he has grown even taller than me!) brother. Saturday night we relaxed a bit and did gourmet (cooking with those little pans like fondue) it was deliciousssss!!
After coming back to BCN. We decided that it was time to do some sightseeing, the weekends before we did some shopping etc but you can go shopping anywhere after all but Camp Nou is not everywhere, so that is what we visited. My boyfriend is a huge fan of footh ball but he does not have one specific club to cheer for (at least that is what I understand out of his stories) although like almost every little boy out there they have a special thing for the big clubs or just for FC Barcelona. I think this has something to do with them winning a lot and Johan Cruijf being accountable for the winning part in the history of the club.
It is a pity that work is consuming so much time, hi-hi. I wish we had some more free time to do some fun stuff, shopping, enjoying the gorgeous weather and doing some sightseeing. The weekend after our Camp Nou visit we expected to have another great weekend with lovely weather but we were wrong. Apparently we did not deserve it, well thank you:((. That Saturday is was raining fucking cats and dogs, no way that this is what you call 'normal rain', Crazy showers! We did not want to stay in all day so we decided to do some shopping. Bad idea in this kind of weather, especially when they are putting your new clothes in paper bags (Uh hello it is raining outside?). The streets in Barcelona were covered by water and my Uggs were drenched (which leaves me still with some ugly stains in them:((( ). By that time we decided we had enough and went home. Next day we woke up and there was SUNSHINE ALL OVER. No signs at all of the crazy rainy weather the day before. We had a nice day walking at the beach and enjoying an ice cream in the sun.
And again; goodbye weekend, hello working week :(

As it is today Tuesday, 3 more days to go for yet another fantastic and too short weekend!
Since I promised you the pictures last time I will post them asap, pls check my fb for the time being :)

Have a nice Tuesday!
